
About Tinne+Mia

Tinne+Mia are product designer and stylist in one. Have a weakness for paper and fabrics, graphic prints & eye-catching typography.

A Passion for Creativity and Craftsmanship


My journey began at the Art Academy St'Joost in Breda, where I discovered and developed my passion for graphic design. After working as a designer for many years, I took the step to starting my own lifestyle label in 2012; that's how Tinne+Mia was born.

My weakness for paper and fabrics, graphic prints and striking typography is undeniable. The designs are minimalist and timeless, infused with a French joie de vivre - classic with a twist - as well as a cool Scandinavian twist. They stand out for their love of craftsmanship, attention to detail and palette of powder tones combined with bold and contemporary colors. The designs find their perfect home in concept stores and museum stores, so it is no surprise that Tinne+Mia's products are now found all over the world.

Besides constantly developing my own collection, I enjoy working for other companies. You could think of graphic or product design, publishing products under private label to consultancy. That these companies are often different audiences with different (home) styles is not a problem for me.

love, Karien


Tinne+Mia was founded in 2012 by Karien Kuijpers and Marjan Godrie.

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